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Talcum Powder /Ovarian Cancer

Three Types of Ovarian Cancer Risks

Ovarian cancer affects one of three different cell types in the organ. Depending on the affected cell, the woman may develop one of three types of ovarian cancer. Understanding the symptoms of these diseases may facilitate early detection and treatment. Epithelial Cell Carcinoma This ovarian cancer type is the most common, representing about 89% of cases, according to the Foundation…

The Link between Talcum Powder and Cancer

Talc is a mineral clay that can be found across the globe. It’s used in a wide range of industries, from paper manufacturing and pharmaceuticals to food and beauty. Talcum powder, also known as baby powder, is talc in powdered form and has been used for cosmetic purposes for decades. Recent concerns about the link between talcum powder and cancer…

Diseases from Asbestos-Contaminated Talc Powder

There has been plenty of research conducted that has linked talcum powder to diseases such as mesothelioma and ovarian cancer. Talcum powder containing asbestos can cause a variety of health problems, as talc remains in the body for a long duration of time. This powder, especially when contaminated by asbestos, can result in chronic respiratory irritation or inflammation, ultimately leading…

